Showing posts with label Armchair Sailor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Armchair Sailor. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Armchair Sailor

I just completed a great Blog Hop initiated by the inimitable Helen Hollick. Through it, I came to know that many of their ladies were aboard ship at one time or another, loving a rogue pirate, or trying to regain a tropical inheritance.

(In case you missed those delightful glimpses into their fascinating books, check them out a couple of posts back under "Shining Light On Our Ladies").

Because of all those stories, I'd like to post this little tribute to the many courageous sailors out there.

Armchair Sailor

Don’t be like me!
Don’t waste your life in wishful fantasy!
Last night, I met the sailor
who dared to live my dream.

This Don Giovanni of the Sea,
having beguiled a hundred women
and who would love a dozen more,
has sailed the Seven Oceans, instead of me.

He’s listened to the tenor of his rigging,
and matched the joyous basso-buffo
of his anchor chain,
while harmonizing with his latest curvy mate
in the duets of love.

Quaintly sequestered coves on lushly verdant isles
replenished his bruised sailor’s soul.
Forgetting Neptune’s battering, it was
replaced by new-inspired quest for yet another goal.

He’s haggled with a multitude of tongues
and laughed with many-peopled hosts.
Traversing fatal shipping lanes and lame conventions,
he’s fended off the beckoning of unforgiving water ghosts.

He stole my dream!
I had to stay behind, on land.
How could I do otherwise?
He has a boat. He has no ties.
He also has the courage.

* * *
 (Excerpted from my "Moments of the Heart")