Sunday, December 20, 2015

An Unexpected Award

We all love receiving an award. It is, however, especially thrilling to get one unexpectedly from a much respected and successful colleague.

This morning, I woke up to The Crystal Curse having been chosen for Christoph Fischer's roster as
"Best Dystopian Novel of 2015."

And I feel good crowing about it!

Check out Christoph's blog
for more great books - 

including his own highly acclaimed novels

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Christoph Fischer delves into Another War

A New Novel from Christoph Fischer

A Polish Woman’s Struggle To Survive In Nazi Germany

now available for pre-order
and will be released on Dec 14th

It’s World War II and Ludwika Gierz, a young Polish woman, is forced to leave her family and go to Nazi Germany to work for an SS officer. There, she must walk a tightrope, learning to live as a second-class citizen in a world where one wrong word could spell disaster and every day could be her last. Based on real events, this is a story of hope amid despair, of love amid loss . . . ultimately, it’s one woman’s story of survival.

Available Now in Print Format at the CreateSpace eStore:

Reblogged from Mr. Fischer's own blog - writerchristophfischer
Read the fascinating background for this story in his own words.

Friday, November 27, 2015

What a Treat!

Exploring the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge,
Costa Rica, the Everglades,
and Puerto Rico
Marty Essen

On Pre-Order from Amazon

The other day, I received a pre-publication paperback copy of
Endangered Edens by Marty Essen.

The tactile and visual presentation alone of his new book with its 180 stunning color photographs is a treat indeed.

Dr. M. Sanjayan, Senior Scientist at Conservation International, describes it as:
 “A magical, fun journey through some of the world’s hidden and not so hidden Edens…”

Having read Marty’s first book,
“Cool Creatures, Hot Planet: Exploring the Seven Continents” 
another amazing journey into the leaf litter world of the tiniest—and often deadly—creatures), I was already familiar with Marty’s fluid and humorous writing; and he lived up to my expectations.

Of course, from this new title, I knew he would also rattle my lethargic cage (as he fully intends, always without being preachy) as to what travesties Man keeps inflicting on this precious Earth of ours.

While Marty and Deb Essen possess the courage and conviction “to do something,” they allowed me (a mere armchair traveler these days) to journey with them from the Arctic to Costa Rica, the Everglades, and Puerto Rico.

It reawakened a sense of wonder for our world in me, as well as a sense of renewed responsibility to leave a smaller footprint.

Thank you, Marty Essen, for your beautiful second book.

Endangered Edens is scheduled to be released on January 8, 2016 – 
However, it can be pre-ordered from Amazon:

In the meantime, watch the stunningly beautiful Book Trailer:

and do check out Marty Essen’s entertaining Blog: