But as I am a rather discreet person, I am not going to bandy someones name about without their permission. All I can say is that a knowledgeable lady in the UK answered my trivia question correctly and won the print copy of SIROCCO, Storm over Land and Sea (to arrive at her house by approx. August 12, Amazon-UK promised).
Brian also told me that my little riddle took the longest time to be solved--geesh, someone needs to read more Historical Fiction or love maps as much as I do.
I had asked the Name of the best-known ancient caravanserai located in present-day Mali?
Answer: Timbuktu - (also correct are Timbuctoo or Tombouctou).
If someone ever told you to "go to Timbuktu," it was a sure indication that your presence wasn't quite appreciated.
Anyway, the event is still in full swing on FB through tomorrow. So check it out and answer a few question to win some great books: