Friday, August 8, 2014

And the Winner Is ...

Brian Braden, author of BLACK SEA GODS and TEARS OF THE DEAD, and organizer of his great Book Launch, just informed me of the WINNER of my event offering.


But as I am a rather discreet person, I am not going to bandy someones name about without their permission. All I can say is that a knowledgeable lady in the UK answered my trivia question correctly and won the print copy of SIROCCO, Storm over Land and Sea (to arrive at her house by approx. August 12, Amazon-UK promised).

Brian also told me that my little riddle took the longest time to be solved--geesh, someone needs to read more Historical Fiction or love maps as much as I do.

I had asked the Name of the best-known ancient caravanserai located in present-day Mali?
Answer: Timbuktu - (also correct are Timbuctoo or Tombouctou).

If someone ever told you to "go to Timbuktu," it was a sure indication that your presence wasn't quite appreciated.

Anyway, the event is still in full swing on FB through tomorrow. So check it out and answer a few question to win some great books:

Wednesday, August 6, 2014



the exciting  sequel to BLACK SEA GODS,

debuts August 8th

Brian Braden is hosting a Facebook debut party, with dozens of authors and several businesses giving away over 100 e-books, paperbacks and audio books. Joining the event gives you a chance to win.

The winning starts August 7th -

and continues through August 9th.


For this even, Brian has invited dozens of authors to celebrate with him – and I am among one of the lucky ones. Participating authors are contributing lots of books to be won.

Thursday, August 7 – Starting Mid-Afternoon (US Central Time)

“Join” the event by logging into Facebook here:
On the right-hand side you’ll see buttons that say “JOIN, DECLINE, MAYBE.” Click on JOIN and you’re in.

After that, the event will be listed under the Events tab on the left-hand side of your FB screen.

If you don’t have a Facebook account, but know someone who does, you can simply email the link. They can use it to join the event.

I will be giving away a print copy of SIROCCO, Storm over Land and Sea, Book 2 of the Legends of the Winged Scarab (US/Canada/UK only).

Now, go and do a lot of "liking" and even more "sharing,"
and answer a few trivia questions
to win bunches of great Indie Books.

Check out Brian Braden’s First Novel here:
He also reviews books here:

Black Sea Gods, Brian's Book 1 of the Chronicles of Fu Xi

See my review of this great novel in my previous post.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Marvelous, Mystical, Murderous

Black Sea Gods

(Book 1 of the Chronicles of Fu Xi) 

by Brian Braden

This epic fantasy raises the bar for Historical Fantasy to new heights.

I usually know after reading the first paragraph whether or not I will like a book. With Black Sea Gods, I knew after the first sentence that the writing itself would be good. Well, I was wrong. It is GREAT!

The story is pure fantasy that is not bogged down by still disputed ancient timelines, nor even real places. Yet I "smelled" the salt-water marshes, "saw" the homes tilting above the lagoon, "heard" the incoming tide rush against the pilings, and kept worrying about the fate of the Lo-tribe.

Interestingly, there are two different story-lines: One follows the arduous journey of an intrepid people; the other, the Chronicles of Fu Xi, tells of the birth, death and re-birthing of the gods. The marvel is how the two are fused into an "Aha-moment."

Black Sea Gods is a novel to be enjoyed on several levels: For the sensitivity and beauty of the writing itself (I still demand that in what I choose to read); for the astounding imagination it took to write a story of those early tribes and gods (with the initial unfamiliarity about names quickly being overcome); and lastly for the vivid descriptions.

Writing historical fiction myself, I often stopped to ask myself "how did the writer come up with this?" And then I had to check that, indeed, this is written by a male author (sorry guys, but it is that delicately sensitive in places, yet so vividly strong in others, with some brutal scenes thrown in).
A resounding "Highly Recommended."

Brian Braden is a founder and assistant editor for Underground Book Reviews, an online magazine featuring the best new indie lit.

He is also the author of the novelette CARSON'S LOVE, and a contributor to FLYING TOASTERS, an anthology of short stories. 

He can be reached at 
you can visit his website at


Check out Brian's FB page for his plans of a grand launch of Book 2 of the Chronicles of Fu Xi: 

Tears of the Dead 

There will be games, prizes, and gift books by many participating writers.

Guest at BigAl's Books and Pals

BigAl's Books and Pals do an outstanding job of reading and reviewing Indie books, all to introduce Indie writings to a wide audience.

This morning, BigAl featured my guest post about my own experience of researching historical fiction - notably for KHAMSIN, The Devil Wind of the Nile.

If you like, you can read the entire blog post here - and laugh at my silly hat to boot.

BigAl's Books and Pals: The Minefield of Writing Ancient Egyptian Fiction, a guest post by Inge H. Borg

Tuesday, July 15, 2014


5.0 out of 5 stars
 Like a Dirk Pitt novel...only better. July 15, 2014
Format:Kindle Edition
After the Cataclysm: Legends of the Wing Scarab #3 by Inge Borg is the third in the series and the second book to feature the same main characters. The first book takes place in predynastic Egypt and the next two books in contemporary times. This book can stand alone, but rides nicely after the second book.

A short time has passed since the end of the second novel. The story revolves around the interactions of three groups of people. Egyptologist Naunet and husband Jonathan Wilkins are living in New England. Former Director Jabari El-Masri, fleeing from Egypt, thought to have died escaping is arranging his future with Lorenzo Dominguez a rich South American art “collector.” Jabari is trading the fifty pitch covered gold tablets for his safety and a new life.

To make matters interesting the super volcano in Yellowstone erupts, not only bring down American society and the Northern Hemisphere in a volcanic “nuclear winter,” but also affects the entire world with the loss of the only superpower. The world order and international law are now a thing of the past without a willing enforcer. Naunet and Jonathan are bunkered down in Jonathan's family home trying to weather out the natural disaster and protect their property. With no internet or phone service ham radio becomes the method of long distance communications. Jonathan receives a message from Jabari to meet him at a set of coordinates in the Caribbean.

The story moves quickly and will hold the reader’s attention. There is plenty of nautical information as most of the story takes place on a boat and ship. Woven into the adventure is the story of the fifty golden, engraved tablets, a curse, and possibly closure for all the characters. Even with the natural disaster and the collapse of the United States the plot stays focused on the story at hand.

I have read and reviewed the previous two books for Author Alliance ( and a reading the third book, on my own, because I enjoyed the previous two books and enjoyed the story and characters. After the Cataclysm lives up to the quality of the previous two books. Borg pays attention to the details in all her books and that is part of what makes them interesting. She combines real and convincing elements into her story and leaves the reader a bit more educated at the end of the book. For action/adventure books this series rates high on my list.

* * *
I love the Dirk Pitt novels; but to be termed "even better" by this well-seasoned reviewer from AuthorAlliance is outstanding (Sorry, Mr. Cussler).
Made my day!

Saturday, July 12, 2014

FREE Ride for Bad Boy Edward

Since this bad boy has somehow weaseled his way into several of my novels, I thought I'd give him away FOR FREE to wet your whistle for his further machinations.

In Sirocco, Storm over Land and Sea, he only kidnaps my lovely protagonist Naunet. Oh, I just remembered, he is also an accomplice to murder.

In After the Cataclysm, he lurches about on board the ghost ship scaring the heck out of Naunet once again.

And, by the way, in Shadow Love, he is also briefly remembered by Monika as the lousy con he turned out to be. 

Friday, July 11, 2014

KHAMSIN on HNS Award Short List

In August of 2012, 
was enthusiastically reviewed and
selected as an Editor's Choice
by the prestigious
Historical Novel Society;
that was quite thrilling.

(I  have since changed the cover, eliminated quite a few pesky "nits" and formatting issues in the print version, and shortened several of my "Germanic" convoluted sentences.)

But not until I received an e-mail from the organizers of the First Annual Historical Fiction Indie Award did I realize that my 'beloved' Ancient Egyptian novel had been placed on their short list of nine books for their award.

They actually asked if I "wanted to participate" .... 
Well, duh! I posthaste complied with a few additional requirements - and now am gnawing on my knuckles. It is all up to the judges now who will reveal the winner in September - at their London Conference (I do so wish I could be there).

Competition is an awesome array of offerings - and you can check me on this here:

I also hope that, maybe, it will encourage my HF writer-friends to seeks reviews from the Society; they are a tough bunch, but a nod from them goes a long way.

 While it may not do much for increased sales - 
it surely is balm on the solitary writer's heart.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Shadow Love is getting some Love

I am really stomped why this easy little novella isn't getting more reader love. So, I asked another reviewer to give me a woman's opinion. She really got the underlying reality - or is it - of it:

4.0 out of 5 stars Intriguing Read! June 28, 2014
Format:Kindle Edition
Monika Lenz is an attractive fifty year old who is disillusioned with men and life in general. She decides it's time to get her life back on track. A change of scenery and lifestyle is just what she needs to heal her mind and soul. She leases a cabin deep in the Sierra Nevada Mountains for one year. As time passes, the peace and quiet she so desperately wanted starts to backfire. The loneliness sets in and her drinking increases. The more she tries to heal herself the worse she becomes. She starts slipping in and out of reality, but the intriguing part of this story is neither Monika nor the reader knows what the true reality actually is.
Author Inge H. Borg does an exceptional job of keeping everyone clueless to the end. The writing is excellent, the characters are fully developed and the storyline is terrific. Great Read!
Recommendation: Purchase and enjoy.

* * *
This little story was in my head for literally decades. I remember telling it to my mother on one of my visits back home. She clasped her face in her hands and cried: "Ach, mein Kind, this will be you."

I vehemently denied such silliness - especially about the drinking part. As I sit among the pines in my lonely cabin in the foothills of the Arkansas Ozarks, I still resent the woman and her predictions. She had such an annoying way of being right (not about the drinking part, of course. And if she had been, I surely wouldn't tell you!)

Friday, June 13, 2014

A Punch in the Gut

Everyone has seen pictures of the imposing statue presiding over Rio de Janeiro. 

Especially now, when World Cup fever is at a pitch and nations ask "Who will be the winner?" it is more than appropriate to bring 
"Hard Landing, Poems 3"
by Canadian Poet Jim Bennett
to your attention. Why? 
Because cleverly using Brazil's landmark on its cover--"Hard Landing" clearly steps out in front of the fray as the winner.

This particular volume of the series is indeed a 'hard landing.' It came down on this reviewer with a haunting thud, especially "Childhood End." It continued to pummel my gentile sensibilities. Just when I thought I could take no more, a few limericks let me breathe, and grin. But not for long, and my grey matter was flung back into similes and metaphors. Bennett doesn't let you off easily. He rattles your comfy little cocoon; and makes you hate him for doing so when you had tried so hard to forget. He flaunts the truth in front of you showing you that only when you remember and forgive, can you at last forget.

So far, I found Poems 3 the hardest to read - but wasn't that the intent of the poet? It was also the one volume that I know I shall reread many times to rediscover more of its depths and truths. An astonishing volume of gut-punching poetry.

Check out Bennett's Other Poetry on Amazon:

On March 26 and May 3, I reviewed Poems 5 and 4, respectively (I know, I am going backwards - which does not detract from my enjoyment of these works one iota).

Friday, May 23, 2014

Spuckler gives SIROCCO 4 Stars

Joseph Spuckler gives Sirocco, Storm Over Land and Sea
(Legends of the Wing Scarab #2) 
4 Stars
SIROCCO, Storm Over Land and Sea (Legends of the Winged Scarab) by Inge Borg is the follow up to Khamsin (reviewed earlier this year at Author Alliance). This may be the first sequel I have read that takes place 5,000 years after the initial book. Khamsin set the stage in the ancient world and Sirocco picks up in modern Egypt, in fact, modern enough to include the 2011 revolution.
The Sirocco is a Mediterranean wind out of the south-east that can reach hurricane strengths and carries with it sand from Libya and North Africa. Sand from these storms reach Italy, Greece, and Albania and is dense enough to be seen on satellite photographs. Although slow in developing, the storms can wreak havoc on boats that are not prepared or do not take proper precautions.
Overall the story is well done and fast moving. It does fit well into the thriller category and ties in with real world and practical matters in antiquities. The novel has several subplots that converge to make an exciting story that is a bit more complex than your average thriller. There are several competing factions in the story. First is the team of archaeologists from the Cambridge Research Institute with the stand out character Naunet Klein. Their assistance is requested by the Jabari El-Masri who heads the Cairo Museum. El-Masri is feeling the pressure or the growing public unrest. He holds his position through favors and loyalty to President Mubarak. He is concerned with his future and the loyalty of his staff. Not everything he does is above board, but he rationalizes that it is for the safety and protection of the national and historical treasures. Also in the mix is the British gentleman Edward Guernsey-Crock: A man of mystery…a cocky man of mystery. Throw in some townspeople, art “collectors,” and fifty ancient golden tablets and a story quickly forms.
There is tension and suspicion between the various groups with Naunet taking on the role of the central character. Borg does an excellent job of filling the reader in on what would be for most unfamiliar subjects. She describes laser cleaning of metal artifacts used by archaeologists. There are some nautical lessons when the story line moves the open water. Borg has earlier shown in Khamsin that she knows Egyptian history. Her work is well researched. She also exposes the shadier side of the art and artifact world. As with her previous novel, it is nice to finish a novel and, although it is fiction, walk away a bit smarter.
Sirocco proves itself to be an action packed adventure story with an intriguing plot. It is the perfect book for a rainy afternoon or a story that allows you to live a vicarious adventure when your planned adventures fall through. Very well done.

See Joseph Spuckler's Review of KHAMSIN under the "Reader Reviews" tab
Read Joseph Spuckler's Other Reviews: