Thursday, April 10, 2014

A to Z Challenge - "I"

I - As in "Interludes"

Sometimes, my curiosity gets the better of me and I reach for stories that are usually out of my comfort zone. True - but, oh so funny and (again) so true.

These are short satires about love, lust and life told with humor - but do they hit home (been there, done that).

There are several other titles, all of which depict the sadly funny side of romance.

I am glad I found this author - who incidentally is also from Austria (which made me curious in the first place) - even though she writes in such a different style than I do; as well as on different topics, to say the least.

I am still grinning - forgetting all about boats (besides, the "I" post I had planned was REALLY boring--unless you were an ocean racer - which I am not).

PS: I stumbled upon this author on Goodreads - but here is the Amazon link to the author page:


  1. Hi Inge .. what a great author to have found .. and her Inter-Ludes ... and she's an I too .. an Ida ...

    Cheers Hilary

    1. I laughed so hard at her spoofs, although she's a bit more "racy" than I am (must be a lot younger, too).
      Fun, fun reading - short, too.
